“Dominican Cigars at its Finest”
At Ortiz Cigars, our first priority is bringing quality cigars to our customers to enjoy an incredible smoking experience. Straight from the Dominican Republic, we provide a wide variety of the finest and freshest handmade cigar selection. We focus on keeping consistency in our quality, with ensuring a validated process to make sure that our cigars sustain a high standard of quality at all times.
Our customers can find premium cigars at any budget when smoking our Ortiz Cigars. We can accommodate cigars at nearly any event such as weddings,
birthday parties, golf outings, fundraisers, BBQ’s, or if you’re just looking to relax, we carry single cigars and samplers.
Cigars are our passion. Come visit us at our shop and speak with our experts on our selections to learn about the different types, and determine which cigar is right for you. We look forward to sharing our passion and helping you find your right fit.
Johnny Ortiz
Johnny Ortiz was born in Tamboril, Dominican Republic. His parents are Carmen Santana and Rafael Ortiz and he has four brothers and one sister. Growing up Johnny played baseball every day with a dream of becoming a professional player. Even though his initial dream didn’t go as planned, he still has such a passion for baseball and watches it as much as he can.
Johnny focused on what his parents instilled into him and his siblings. He arrived to Haverstraw, NY in 2000 at the age of 31. He went to school to get his BA and Masters in Business Administration from Farleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ. Johnny met the love of his life Marilyn Toro at work and have been happily married. He has had the honor and pleasure of being a dad to his stepdaughter Desiree.
While everything was falling into place, Johnny knew there was something missing. He looked back and remembered his family in Dominican Republic, especially his grandpa Guan Santana and his passion for cigars. Johnny always knew that he and his grandpa shared an amazing bond and love for cigars. Relieving his best memories, he dreamt of having his own Cigar Shop.
For the last few years he has been working with a manufacturing company in the Dominican Republic and perfecting his own cigar line call “Ortiz Cigars”. A few months ago, walking through the Village of Haverstraw he saw an empty shop and thought this is it, I can see my cigar shop here. Even with everything going on this year, he called the landlord and took a chance. He and his brothers worked hard in making sure everything was in order to open the Ortiz Cigars Shop this year! What better place to have a business where you live right in heart of downtown Haverstraw.